Graphene Spray Coating – ArtDeShine Graphene Detailer

Graphene Spray Coating is easy to apply and with super glossy effect. Apparently, you may have read a lot of texts about graphene – its wonderful features and how it is revolutionizing a lot of products we use almost every day. In case you haven’t heard about it – Artdeshine manufactures excellent car care products that you’d probably not find elsewhere. The Artdeshine Graphene Detailer is a new car care product that assures perfect quick car detailing. It is easy to apply on car bodies; you won’t have to stress yourself in the process. This is also called graphene quick detailer.

ArtDeShine Graphene Detailer

This is a water-based quick graphene detailer spray for automobiles. The ArtDeShine Graphene Detailer contains siloxane, which helps to enhance its coating properties, Reduced Graphene Oxide for maximum protection against corrosion. Although this graphene detailer comes in a small container, it can be diluted “nine-to-one,” as hinted by Brian from Apex Detail.

Nevertheless, this car detailer is perfect as a supplement to ArtDeShine Nano Graphene Coating. If you had coated your car with ArtDeShine Nano Graphene Coating, then this graphene detailer would give a slick and smooth finish on your car body. However, it does work for other surfaces that aren’t coated with ArtDeShine Nano Graphene Coating, but its best result is on surfaces coated with graphene wax. You can apply ArtDeShine Graphene Detailer on both dry and damp surfaces – that’s how flexible it is.

How to Apply ArtDeShine Graphene Detailer

Since this is a water-based detailer – it can be applied 9 to 1 in a 32oz spray bottle. This detailer can be used on just about any surface, including plastic trims or leather surfaces with protective coating on top.

The manufacturer hints that this detailer shouldn’t be applied as a detailer, but needs to be applied as spray coating. Well, there’s no problem how you apply this detailer, and it doesn’t also matter what surface you’re applying it to – for as long as the surface has a protective coating, the ArtDeShine Graphene Detailer would deliver more gloss and shine without haziness or smearing.
To apply this detailer, you should get a microfiber (you may get two if you wish). Also, you should park the car in a shaded, cool area before applying this car detailer.

Steps to Apply this Detailer
• Shake the plastic bottle very well
• Get a spray bottle and dilute this detailer in 9:1 solution
• Spray it on the microfiber to get it primed, then apply on the car body or any surface
• This detailer cures within 24 hours and is layerable in 4 to 6 hours

A graphene detailer is better than the others

Graphene protection is gradually outpacing SiO2 protection, and it would soon be very much affordable to many. The ArtDeShine Graphene Detailer survived the 10-wash test by Brian, Apex Details, and it can be applied on a soft clear coat, hard clear coat, mediocre clear coat, lighter colours, and darker colour – a graphene detailer obviously outperforms other car detailers out there.

This graphene detailer is a 250ML detailer, but you won’t use up to half of the bottle on a single car. A little application can cover a wide area on the surface.