Graphene Battery: Samsung Graphene Battery
Graphene battery charge faster and last longer than lithium-ion batteries. This is why you need to know more about graphene batteries. We all love our smartphones and can’t stay away from our devices for too much longer, right? That’s where our problem starts, our batteries never seem to last long enough.
Smartphones are great and we all know that batteries have been improved in the last models but still, wouldn’t it be amazing if our phone’s battery could last for three or four days without charging? That sounds like a dream, but it is possible, let’s dive a little bit more into the graphene battery world.
Samsung Graphene Battery
Samsung’s next flagship smartphone is hoped to feature a graphene-based battery. A lot has been said about graphene, and Samsung will go further to prove some of the things we’ve heard about graphene batteries. Is it possible for a high capacity battery (let’s say 6000mAH) to charge fully in less than 30 minutes? That’s what to expect from a graphene-based battery. It’s 2020 already, and Samsung is still keen on releasing at least one flagship device that will be powered with a graphene battery. Hopefully, we’ll get this device in 2021.
The current high-end smartphones from Samsung, including the Note 10 series, and S series come with quick-charge technology, and they can charge fully within an hour and a half. But the batteries on these devices are Li-ion batteries; having heard so much about graphene, it is expected that a graphene-based battery would charge faster.
However, what would be the price of the smartphone that will include a graphene battery? We’ve learnt that graphene is quite expensive. And so far, all products designed with graphene-based materials or solutions tend to attract higher price that other ones without graphene-based materials. What could be the price of Samsung’s upcoming graphene battery smartphone?
Graphene Battery Tesla
Tesla is among the top tech companies we are looking to release Electric Vehicles that will run with graphene batteries. The company has confirmed this, and we should expect to see the actualization on upcoming models. Using Li-Ion batteries for EVs isn’t so bad, but Tesla is looking to exploit Graphene since the raw material has been trending since it was discovered over a decade ago. Graphene is popular for helping to improve a wide variety of products. The in-house team at Tesla has, over the years, contemplating on how Graphene will help to improve the batteries used for the company’s EVs – after all said and done, the company has confirmed it would be using Graphene-based batteries for its new rides.
Elon Musk assured that Tesla is working to come out with batteries that could last for million-miles – that’s a but wired at first, but with Graphene proving to be a “wonder material,” this promise from E. Musk may just come to a realization.
Tesla might just dominate the EV market with its 500-mile Tesla Model S EV, which is expected to come soon. Well, the price for such a ride will run into six digits, but would all these become a reality?
Graphene Battery Energy Density
Graphene batteries will soon be everywhere – they are gradually taking over. Unlike Li-Ion batteries, graphene batteries come with more advanced properties and promises of better performance. Researchers have discovered that graphene batteries have about 8x more energy density than the best Li-Ion battery of the moment.
Reports have also proved that graphene-based battery is flexible and can be used in diverse ways. Quite a couple of top companies are pushing towards manufacturing and using graphene-based batteries for their products – such companies include Tesla and Samsung. While Tesla looks to integrating graphene batteries in its upcoming automobiles, Samsung is looking to launching flagship devices that would be powered by graphene-based batteries.
Despite having 5X more energy density than the current best-performing batteries, graphene batteries stay put even after 400 charges/discharge cycles. Also, graphene batteries are reliable and safe – you shouldn’t bother about possible explosion as with some Li-Ion batteries.
Furthermore, Graphene has high conductivity rate than li-ion batteries; thus, a graphene-based battery is liable to charge faster than other types of batteries.
How Graphene Batteries Work
Graphene allows a higher electrical conductivity than our regular lithium-ion batteries. This not only makes for faster-charging, but it’s also able to deliver higher currents and this can be very handy for car batteries or other large batteries. Graphene is also capable of running cooler and this increases the lifespan of the battery.
Graphene is a composition of carbon atoms, it has unique properties, it is stronger than steel and carries electricity faster, more precise and more efficient than any other known material.
This new wonder material can be used in many ways to our benefit, the main one would be to use it as a supercapacitor with much faster charging than a regular battery.
The current issue is to figure how to manufacture this on a scale, the costs are too high to make it possible for now.
Graphene Battery is Safer than Lithium Batteries
Graphene batteries don’t explode no matter what and that’s the biggest benefit of this new material over lithium-ion which can easily explode if certain conditions aren’t meet. This new wonder material will surely revolutionize the smartphone industries in coming years.
A lot of the time we just get excited about the new features of a product and how It can improve our lives, that’s ok, but we should also ask ourselves about the safety of every material, every product.
In this case, we also have good news, lithium batteries do have a good record, but there are some incidents like overheating, overcharging, etc.
This happens due to chemical imbalances inside these batteries, another point for graphene here is that it is much more stable and flexible so it’s much less likely to run into the same safety issues.
Market Growth Rate
Graphene is the material of the future, major companies around the globe are already doing research and experiments with graphene to come up with alternatives to the materials that we have today, the usage of graphene can be unbelievable and unlimited.
To give you a more detailed and tech-oriented view, graphene is a composition of carbon atoms, with peculiar details and properties, it is much stronger than steel with a much lower density, it is also the new deal for conducting electricity.
The single-crystal graphene is simply the future for photonics and electronics due to its properties. Devices like batteries made of graphene display an amazing thermal conductivity, huge charge capacity while being very stiff and lighter than any other material. In order to use this amazing material, we need to develop high-quality processing with high efficiency and safety.
The biggest brands in the planet are literally running after insights and competitive advantages in the “Graphene Battery Market”. This market growth is estimated to go from U$ 168 M in 2024 to U$ 609 M in 2030. This shows how important this material is right now and what specialists expect it to be in 10 years.
“The lithium-ion graphene battery type segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.”
As we have seen, due to its amazing properties the demand for graphene lithium batteries is expected to increase from many industries, such as the automotive industry, electronics, industrial, and electricity, to name a few. Graphene is the new deal for all of these industries due to it’s lightweight, durability, fast charging capabilities and suitability for high energy storage.
The automotive industry does not get behind in this run, the battery-grade segment is expected to present an incredible growth in the forecast period.
Industries such as electronics and automotive have the need for high-power and density, these industries have generated a demand for more reliable and safe batteries.
The battery race does not seem to have an ending, its still a challenge for the big companies to max the life out of a lithium battery and make devices to last longer in the hands of the final user.
Some people say graphene hasn’t been put to the real test yet, but we are starting to have some small cases of real-world testing and things still look very promising:
A new start-up from Los Angeles is making some noise and getting ready to change this distant perspective about graphene. This company has a variety of power banks in the market, their main idea is to crowdfund the launching of a new production of power banks with more use of graphene, right now the graphene banks are sold in 2 sizes: 10.000 and 20.000mAh and they are already superior to the regular power banks, you can do a full charge from scratch within fifty minutes! But for now, the graphene-enhanced batteries will be more expensive of course than the current lithium batteries that we currently use.
What’s the impact on smartphones?
To be straight to the point, if we use graphene batteries it would allow smartphones to be even thinner and have a higher capacity, the market estimates an increase of 60% compared to the same size regular lithium battery. Graphene power cells will offer better heat dissipation, with an extended lifespan for batteries and devices in general.
Samsung had developed the new battery material named Graphene Ball that enables a 45% increase in capacity and 5x faster-charging than Lithium-ion batteries. The new Samsung graphene battery will be a game changer in smartphone industry in the future.
Future smartphones with graphene battery would also have an extended autonomy, according to tests, battery life would last a day or two, to say the least.
Just for a quick shoot-out, Lithium-ion stores up to 180Wh of energy per kilogram while graphene can store up to 1,000Wh per kilogram.
Graphene Battery Top Key Players in the Market:
1.) Samsung SDI (South Korea)
2.) Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. (China)
3.) Log 9 Materials Scientific Private Limited (India)
4.) Cabot Corporation (US)
5.) Grabat Graphenano Energy (Spain)
6.) Nanotech Energy (US)
7.) Nanotek Instruments Inc. (US)
8.) XG Sciences Inc. (US)
9.) ZEN Graphene Solutions Ltd. (Canada)
10.) Graphene NanoChem (Malaysia)
11.) Global Graphene Group (US)
12.) Vorbeck Materials Corp. (US)
13.) Graphenea Group (Spain)
14.) Hybrid Kinetic Group Ltd. (Hong Kong)
15.) Targray Group (Canada)