Graphene Material – Properties and Overview
Within the great scientific updates of the last 50 years, it has been possible to determine that graphene is a noble material and very useful in diverse fields. The possibilities it offers thanks to its ability to conduct electricity as well as heat, in addition to being a very flexible element have got the scientists going into their research and development.
The magnitude of this discovery is only just beginning to be understood and it may well be a few more years before we start giving it the attention it deserves. Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010 for their work with this material, and since then the research into the subject has increased.
What kind of Material is Graphen made of?
It comes from the carbon in its pure state and is composed of atoms organized in regular hexagonal patterns. It is most similar to graphite and diamond, and because it is so thin (one atom thick) it is used in a large number of ways. So far it has been effectively implemented in electronics, sports and within sensors, but it is expected to be developed further in the future. It is difficult to work with this material as little is known about it, but so far it has given results that are excellent in both performance and cost.
Graphene vs Steel
There is a lot of talk about its characteristics juxtaposed to steel since graphene can be up to 200 times stronger but much lighter, so it can be used in a lot of applications, with the advantage of having a much agiler result. It could be said that this force is arranged due to its hexagonal shape, which has been shown in other compounds and elements to be more appropriate for the transfer of weight and pressure.
Rice University and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst have worked on this material demonstrating that it could be the definitive replacement for bulletproof vests as they were conceived. However, this is still only a test as its strength is also accompanied by its fragility, and has not yet been perfected. Because it is a very thin and almost transparent material, it can also be used in touch screens.
The Future of Graphene
Due to its optical and electronic properties as well as its mechanical uses, it is expected to become the material of the future. Its properties have come to be considered a miracle, a marvel. A consensus has not yet been reached on this material, but it is expected to become a great substitute for many materials due to its strength and elasticity as well as its excellent light absorption. This is without counting the thinness of its structure, which could allow it to become the new opportunity of the scientists.